Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Call

Well we have now been in Sudan for about 3 weeks and its been crazy and hectic. However God is moving in our students. Money is still in short supply but God is providing for our needs. Our students now have mattresses and the basic needs and we have not had to miss any meals from not having the funds to buy food. However we know unless something big happens we will reach the point of running out of money in the next few weeks. We also need to be building on the property God gave us last time I was here to build our long term base. Pioneering is not always easy but God is good. Our students are growing with God as we teach them. This past week Nicole has been teaching and doing a great job, I have also had the chance this week to teach in the DTS as well as Emily and I tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will be teaching about counting the cost of following Christ, and is he worthy of the sacrifice. As I went over the words of Christ again and again, I couldn’t help but notice he never said come follow me and you will have a great life. He never said some of you should follow me and share my love with others. We are all called to a life of missions. Not everyone is called to live in Africa true but we are all called to be living a life that spreads the gospel to all the world. I truly believe that the US was blessed to be a blessing to the nations. I believe that the American churches are blessed beyond measure financially as well as with a wealth of information. The question is why are they so blessed? Is it because God loves Americans more? Are we just better Christians than the rest of the world? I would say again that Americans and the Christians in America are blessed because there is a mighty calling on the lives of us to spread the gospel to all the world through us. That comes two fold, if we are obeying Christ and his calling then the blessings will continue and we will be enabled to propagate the gospel to all tribes and nations. However I firmly believe that if we shrink back from the calling on the American church that we will see the blessings cease. I do not believe God will continue to bless America if we refuse to use the gifts that he has given us. In the same way that Jesus told the parable of the master who gave talents and then we he saw they were wasted and not put to use took them. I believe God will do the same. We can be involved by going to the nations, enabling others to go, praying for the nations, as well as welcoming those from other nations who come to America for training. We are all called to be missionaries I urge you to not shrink back from the Calling that God has placed in our lives.

In other news things are going well here, it has been rough and challenging, the weather is hot and there is a lot of walking and manual labor to keep things running here in the DTS. Emily has been so tough but it has been difficult for her at times. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to be here while pregnant on top of everything else going on. I am immensely proud of her however, she is such a blessing to me as well as the DTS. She is truly the one that God wanted me to have as my partner for life. The baby is growing well, and is healthy we have been checking the heart beat and it remains strong and our baby is active. Thank you again for all your prayers and support.

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