Monday, February 6, 2012

The Church Of Jesus Christ

These things have been stewing in my head for years but more recently and me and my wife prepare to launch back into Africa. What is the Church? Why does the church of Jesus look so far from what Jesus and his ministry was? There is this song I love by Todd Agnew part of the song says:
My Jesus bled and died
He spent His time with thieves and the least of these
He loved the poor and accosted the comfortable
So which one do you want to be?

Cause my Jesus would never be accepted in my church
The blood and dirt on His feet might stain the carpet
But He reaches for the hurting and despises the proud
I think He'd prefer Beale St. to the stained glass crowd
And I know that He can hear me if I cry out loud

I want to be like my Jesus!

Now fortunately the church I go to is very alive and God is active and working there. However I have to wonder why in America especially is church more about programs and the event vs the discipleship and the relationship. Anyone who knows me knows I pretty much can't stand a big church at least not being a "member" there. Something I have missed is relationship, even now with how busy the past year has been to live in relationship with other believers is a challenge. But what should church look like? What should the body of Christ look like? I was recently talking to someone about God and homosexuality and why it is such a horrible sin that the church shuns these people. My answers would likely shock many.

Unfortunately christian lack a major thing they should be full of, love. If christians acted like jesus the world would be a much better place, unfortunately homosexuality is the horrible taboo. I believe sin is sin so the lying preacher or the one who cheats on his wife with a woman is no worse than the one who does cocaine and is with a male prostitute. I believe the greatest thing anyone can give in this world is love, pure unadulterated love.

At the time the answer just kind of flowed out of me without me processing it deeply. However its got me thinking where is the love? Why is it that it seems most churches in America you go to and it is an event. What are we afraid of that the event is contained within the walls of the building. The church is the physical body, our savior did not die for buildings or programs. The coming together is to build each other up and train and equip but not to bring your "lost" friends in hopes they get "saved." What has happened to the saving message of Christ? Where is the repentance and confession of sins. When Jesus spoke people were cut to the heart they were filled with grief but when was the last time a message hit you so heavily that you could not continue living life as you had. I'm preaching to the choir here, this is what I've been feeling in my heart lately. Mainly this, do we love, is it pure unadulterated love? Sure homosexuality is a sin its bad but so is lying and cheating and stealing and a whole list of other sins. Why is it that those certain sins are the detestable ones that we can't associate with those people. You go out and ask people about Jesus they will say ohh he was full of love he died for people. You ask them about Christians and typically the response is ohh they are judgmental or hypocrites. I have been the prime example of a royal jerk and not acting Christlike at times, but this is just what God is showing me. If we truly want people to follow our Jesus we need to act like our Jesus to be him in flesh to this world. They are full of pain and hurting sure they might be a little dirty they might not say the right words or do what you think they should do. However Jesus loves them, they are just as valuable as you to him, and he died for them.

I am extremely excited to be going home I have missed my African family. It seems time and time again people because they care ask us if we are sure we should be going over there. Is it safe, would God really call us to a place so dangerous. However I can not think of another place I would rather be. When I look into the faces of my fathers children I see his heart, I see his love and I see hope. I see people who despite great hardship have endured and still have a heart of Gold. I see broken people wanting to be made whole and longing for someone to come and loves them to help bandage their wounds. You don't have to go to Africa to be like Jesus you can do that anywhere you are at that moment. Be Jesus today embody him and give him flesh in someones life today. Someone who would only expect to be rejected, because if we don't love them they will continue to search for love.